A Lesson Well Worth Learning!

A work colleague suggested I do something fun - Google your own name. Thought to myself - sure why not, could be a bit of fun to see what comes up! Am I what wanted dead or alive, see if there is a little ‘fame’.

The first few pages of the results comes up with the usual, electoral records, comments made in the press, groups that I'm a member of, previous business name registrations, quotes for governmental reports etc. All pretty boring stuff really.

Churning through a few more pages and found that there is a fair bit of my own personal information out there in cyber space including;

  • Unlisted phone numbers,

  • Home address,

  • Wedding photos and general photos,

  • Job History,

  • Resumes and other personal details,

These details aren't sinister but the world doesn't need to know them!

But what if it was sinister or embarrassing? What if a prospective employer was to Google your name and saw this information, would they still hire you?

The lessons to be learnt out of this are;

  1. Be careful what you say in forums, what photos are uploaded to sites like Facebook or Twitter (you never know who is watching or reading.)

  2. Be careful whom you give personal information too.

  3. If need be, set up a Gmail or Hotmail account, or receiving shopping invoices, newsletters or when joining forums etc.

  4. Shopping online - make sure the site that your shopping from is secure and trusted. Better yet, set up a PayPal account and help protect your credit card(s)

  5. If it looks too good to be true it probably is! No, you did not win $100,000,000.00 USD from the Swiss Lottery, nor have you been left a great inheritance from a long distant relative from Nigeria.

  6. Make sure your Internet security is up to date, that you regularly scan your computers, laptops etc for viruses, phishing tools.

  7. Never keep passwords or PINs on your PCs!

  8. Stop and ask yourself, does the world need to see this photo or know this information about me?

  9. Remember - once something is out there is cyber space it's near impossible to have it taken down!

Simple little things like those above can make the world of difference in protecting your personal information, finances and reputation.


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